Smol Transition

We throw in some of smol critter's dialogue here with Kayce's critter illustration here (coming soon)

Three destinations:

[a letter][A Letter]




Click on the tiger side, you arrive at [Animal mix][Animal mix]. If you click on the skull you arrive at [mermaids][Mermaid]

nope, tiger looks like its too big okay.


If you click on the animal, you go to [tiger][Tiger]. If you click on the little boy you go to the [letter][A Letter]

A small boy pets a magical creature in his room
AC: Keren Sibbille



I cant add the other Chest Image. The one above leads to [friend][Friend]. The pink one that's not showing up leads to [starry sue][Starry Sue]

A fun treasure chest-shaped monster snacking on adventurers
AC: Shane Baker

Lesbian witches

Oh no this one also has 2 images I am going to die. Okay. The light pink monster girl takes you to [Starry Sue][Starry Sue] and the purple witch takes you to [chests][Chests]

Oh. Actually I cant add files larger than 2mb? is that just this building pseudo site or is that for the website as a whole? Am I going to need to resize all of the images? I will probably send you a folder of all the pieces I couldn't figure out how to upload.


Did our 4

Did our stories create a [foul][Were the 5] taste in your mouth?

Were the inhabitants of this world too [alien][Were the 5] to your way of life?

Would you rather [run][Were the 5] from discomfort than embrace it?