I spent four years at a tiny women's college. I am open and friendly and unafraid, like a tasty animal that doesn't know to hide from the sailors who just landed on shore.
I am in a new place, and I have new friends. I trust them very quickly and very fiercely. I love them right away. Not for the better. I don't read this language of red flags.
Here is my playing field: one night, out of nowhere, my best friend turns to me and goes "Anna, being with you makes me feel like I'm rotting inside." A few hours later, he shows up at my door.
And I let him inside. And into my bed.
So I should have known. I should have known it was all going to go wrong. I can't say nobody warned me. I just thought I was the hero. I really thought I was the hero. So I thought I could save everybody.
Also, [the world][The World] was very cold.
Welcome to Madison, Wisconsin, summer of 2015.