A Letter

This is an audience interactive. The dream is that the audience can write back to the monster. This text still need a pass at editing. The even bigger dream is that the audience can see other past audience letters to the monster if they wish. So I guess I'll make a link just in case that's possible. [Past audience responses][Past]

Deer Person,

Hi. It haz bin 4 ours, and u r still dancign in yore leeving room to latie gah gah’s noo albim, wich i will not trie 2 rite bee cuz the name is weerd :(

n-ewayz it is now 2 hurty in the morning and i hav ebeen wayting varee pashintlee for u two go two [bed][Sock troll] so i can jump out and serprize u with my big teeth. I just got them cleened 4 u and i want u two c them bee cuz they r neyes and big.

This letter is to ask u two [sleep tite][Sock troll] and let me bite u and scare u bee cuz that is my job. I am vary leg hurt undr this [bed][Sock troll] wayting 4 u and u r herting me and my leg by not gowing two [bed][Sock troll]. I am assking neyeslee bee cuz i am not uhloud two cuhm out from undr thuh [bed][Sock troll].

I lrrnd how two spell so i cood rite u this letter, so pleeze rite wn back sayeeng u will let mee scare u thank u so muhch.

Sin seer lee,

[thuh mah!nstr uhndr yor bed xxx][Smol part 2]